Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
Glorifying God through studying the Bible & Striving to live in the spirit of "RENEW"
Being renewed daily by the Word and having a relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior. We are Women who support the Pastor’s vision by working together with the ministries at Calvary Worship Center. We endeavor to exemplify our love and extend encouragement for one another within and outside our walls to the community.
Women's Bible Studies

Women's Ministry Book Study
WHEN: February 11th
Every Tuesday morning (AM) 9:30am- Noon
or (PM) 6:15pm-8:30pm.
Childcare Provided.
WHEN: February 11th
Every Tuesday morning (AM) 9:30am- Noon
or (PM) 6:15pm-8:30pm.
Childcare Provided.
Other Women's Ministries
A community of single mothers who gather to embrace the journey of single motherhood. The group will provide mentoring, honest conversations, relevant teaching, & creative activities.
*childcare provided
Coming Soon!
*childcare provided
Coming Soon!
We meet every other week to sew and pray. We make quilts to give to those in need.
WHEN: 2nd and 4th Mondays
WHERE: Student Building
WHEN: 2nd and 4th Mondays
WHERE: Student Building
Interested in joining us?
Click the image to email us!
Click the image to email us!

"Women’s ministry received, accepted me, and ministered to me personally to the depths of my heart. Really proves that each member of His body is necessary and beautiful, adding greatly to my joy in Jesus."
- Myrna Lynn
"Women’s ministry has impacted my life by creating an avenue to our sweet Lord and to sisters in the Lord that bless my life."
- Flo W.
"Women’s ministry has greatly impacted my life. I have gained a new family and friends. I feel so loved by everyone; they all are a blessing in my life."
- Melanie E.
"The fellowship of all these awesome women of God is my favorite. My sisters have been such a special blessing – truly a gift from God."
- Marty G.
"This women’s group has connected me with new friends that love to pray for, fellowship with over lunch, and they continue to be a blessing beyond our bible study."
- Danene S.
"Women’s ministry has changed my life. Getting to know other women has been such a blessing to me. My favorite part of being in this women’s ministry is getting to now new women, make friendships and feel encouraged through each other’s testimonies."
- Rita Y.
"My favorite part of the CWC women’s ministry is being part of a group of women who share, support, pray for, and bless each other in so many ways the body of Christ. That is the church."
- Chris A.
"The women ministered to me when I was sick and getting better by praying for me, visiting me in the hospital and then in rehab and at home."
- Angie W.