Children's Ministry


 6wks old - 5th Grade

Sundays @ 8:30am, 10am, & 11:30am

First Time? 
What to Expect:

CWC Children’s Ministry strives to provide a teaching and learning environment that is safe and fun. Our Servants use a variety of tools and techniques to teach the Word of God with an age appropriate curriculum that takes them from Genesis through Revelation, sharing the truths of God’s Word. Our goal is to partner with parents in building a solid biblical foundation, making disciples and followers of our Lord.
A volunteer from the children's ministry at Calvary Worship Center in Colorado, CO, dancing with a group of kids.

So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’ And He said to him, “You have answered rightly; do this and you will live.”
Luke 10:27-28


6 weeks old through 2 year olds

Wiggles, giggles and lots of love is what comes from these precious little ones. Each service time we provide a clean, safe environment filled with love and care for your child so that you may attend service.  Our servants pray over the little ones, recite scripture, sing songs, and teach simple Bible Stories from God’s Word.  Our desire is to partner with the parents/guardians as we plant those seeds from God’s truth into each life.


3 year olds through Kinder

Preschoolers are full of energy and need creative ways to keep them engaged.  They are little sponges. We don’t want to waste the time by just “playing”, we are intentional with our time.  Our classroom time is filled with interactive worship, Bible time, crafts, snacks, games and activities that help SOAK up the Word of God. It is our desire to partner with the parents/guardians as we begin to build a solid foundation in each life.


1st-5th grades

Growing in God’s Word, seeking God’s heart, making Godly choices, is what make followers not just fans of Jesus. Each service time we provide classes for children 1st through 5th grade.  Each class time is filled with interactive worship, scripture memorization, crafts, games and activities. It is our desire to partner with the parents/guardians in building a firm foundation in each life.

Special Needs Ministry

"Buddy System"

Created in the Image of God. Genesis 1:26 Each are created for His purpose, with gifts, talents, abilities and challenges. Each are created to praise Him and serve Him.  Psalm 139:13-15 It is our desire at Calvary Worship Center to be able to minister to the whole body of Christ.  It is important that people with disabilities are integrated into the life and service of our congregation, to enhance our church body by what we can offer as well as what they can offer.
“Buddy System”
A “Special Needs Buddy” is simply another member from the church body who answers God’s call to ministry by pairing up with those in the body, adult or child, who work better with a one-on-one companion.

Childcare throughout the Week

6 weeks old through 5th grade

Childcare is provided for the growth and ministry groups during the week.  We provide classes for infants through 5th grade.  Our class time is filled with God’s Word, interactive worship, crafts, fun activity and games.
Childcare hours vary depending on ministry group needs. Please contact us below for more information.
A group of young children being led in prayer at Calvary Worship Center's children's ministry in Colorado Springs, CO.

CWC Children's Ministry Director
Michelle Johnson

Want to get more involved?

If you want to help in Children's Ministry, check out our DNA process.
See how volunteering has impacted these volunteers:

"This community that I am so openly welcomed in is more like a family, who is always supporting you and rooting for you. it means the world to me to be able to spread God’s word and His love to little ones, and it’s so powerful to see His word being understood by kids as young as one year old."

- Elly S.

"God has grown my faith tremendously through serving in Children’s ministry!  Leading Bible lessons and activities has challenged me to dig deeper into God’s word and connect with youngsters and fellow servants in an exciting “iron sharpens iron.”

- Meghann A.

“Through Children’s Ministry, I have been able to grow my heart in serving and have been able to connect with the community more. Children’s Ministry has given me an avenue to use my gifts and serve Him well through serving others.”

- Ethan W.

"My favorite part of volunteering in children's ministry is getting to be a part of not only the children's lives, but the parents have moved many of our relationship beyond just Sunday. Helping a child grow in their faith is one of the biggest rewards."

- Susan S.

"Serving in the Children's Ministry has been a big blessing. It has given me a stronger relationship with my mom, given me the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with other leaders, and the children we serve."

- Abby S.

"It is amazing seeing children grow in the Lord, then seeing them serve, and choose to get involved in the church when they are older."

- Jeremy S.

"Serving in the Children's Ministry is filled with leaders who truly want to be a light for Jesus to the students. I am a part of a ministry who's leaders thoughtfully put time and effort into lessons to serve children well."

- Levanna D.

"Teaching in Sunday School has brought me much joy, knowing these little hearts are receiving Jesus and learning God's Word in ways they enjoy and can understand.  The Holy Spirit often reminds me that these little people will face a chaotic world, and they must be strong in the Lord."

- Cheryl F.

"Shortly after my husband passing, I decided to recommit my life and gifts to Christ and joined Children's Ministry. Teaching children the truth of God's Word, His character, and His thoughts towards us has been a part of my healing journey, provided connection, and confidence I needed to move forward."

- Jocelyn

"Children's Ministry has impacted my life by seeing God's Word through the eyes of a child, equipped me to be a better teacher of the Word, and showed me the importance of staying in the Word."

- Octavius J.

"Teaching the Bible stories is a reminder to me to have child-like faith. I am blown away by all the leaders serving with dedication and true heart for children. It's a blessing to be part of the Children's Ministry team."

- Keilah W.