Promoting Lifelong Devotion to Christ & to Others

“And he himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, equipping the saints for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, growing into maturity with a stature measured by Christ’s fullness."

Ephesians 4:11-13

What is S.O.M. like?

In the School of Ministry, you will receive instruction regarding your life with Christ, your service to others, and living out your faith in the world at large. Challenged to apply what you learn as you serve the congregation, you will grow closer to God and your brothers and sisters in Christ.

School of Ministry meets for 8 months:
1st Semester: August - early December
2nd Semester: January - early May


Monday & Wednesday Evenings

Friday Online

"S.O.M. gave me a stronger biblical understanding which ultimately has helped me reference and understand passages and make broader connections than before."

- Tanner M.

"The community is so valuable - building a family with those whom you're doing life with."

- Charis E.

"The most valuable part of S.O.M. for me was going through the serving rotations and doing the early morning devotions on Sundays."

- Fidel O.

"All of it was just so rich in material. I absolutely loved it all! I grew a lot in my understanding of the Bible and I learned how to walk side by side with others. We all became so very close and created strong bonds of friendship."

- Karen D.

Additional Information

Students in the School of Ministry also serve in a variety of ministries at Calvary Worship Center, including Children’s Ministry, Media Team, Facilities, and the Welcome Team.
You’ll also participate in special seminars and service opportunities.

Tuition is $1500 for both semesters (payment plans available).
Pastor Shay, Dean of the School of Ministry, wearing a white floral button up shirt.

Pastor Nathan

 School of Ministry President


 School of Ministry Registrar


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