"...you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Acts 1:8


"It is the whole job of the whole church to preach the whole gospel to the whole world."
- C. H. Spurgeon


Pray about going on a CWC short-term mission trip. Once you go, you will never see the world or pray the same way again!


Meet our missionaries, whether in person or by email, and learn about them. Write a card to let them know you are praying for them, take them out to dinner when they visit, or maybe even go visit them on the field.


What is God asking you to sacrifice to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth? Where would He have you give? Invest in the Kingdom of God generously and trust God to bring a good return.


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How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?
As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" - Romans 10: 14-15

Click the button, select "Missions" from the drop-down menu, and note which missionary you'd like to support.


Zechariah Arni, a missionary helping a group of Ethiopian Jews in Haifa, Israel on behalf of Calvary Worship Center.

 Zechariah Arni

Haifa, Israel

Pastor Zechariah leads a congr-egation of Ethiopian Jews living in Haifa, Israel. Over 100,000 Ethiopian Jews live in Israel. They must cope with immig-ration and losing their farming lifestyle, as well as racism. Fewer than 3% embrace Jesus as the Messiah. This young pastor energetically leads his congregation in evangelism and discipleship and strong Biblical teaching, a rarity in Israel!

Eddie & Barbie Broussard

Global Navigators

Eddie and Barbie Broussard, members of Calvary Worship Center, serve with the Navigators, a ministry to over 100 different countries. Eddie is on the Exec-utive Team, which serves over 6,000 men and women of 70 different nationalities. Additionally, Eddie serves & encourages Navigators’ leadership in Eurasia. Eddie & Barbie also oversee the Global Students’ Program, which disciples students from all over the world every summer.

Carlos & Yolanda Casco 

Latin America

Carlos & Yolanda Casco travel all over Latin America providing Inductive Bible Study & marriage seminars. They train pastors & leaders to study the Bible by carefully observing, interpreting, and applying God’s Word. They also streng-then marriages throu-gh Biblical traini-ng and by sharing their 55+ years of marital experience.

Central Asia

(closed country)

Our CWC missionaries to Central Asia live with their 4 children in a country that is closed to tradi-tional Christian service missions. The country is 70% Sunni Muslim, and most of the popu-lation have never heard a full presetation of the gospel. Most of their ministry is through sports outreaches and friendship evangelism.

Nolan & Marie Schockey

Juarez, Mexico

Nolan & Marie Schockey have served in Juarez, Mexico, for over 20 years. They lead Servant Senders, a ministry to train up and disciple Mexican men to be pastors and leaders. Each man is taught verse-by-verse through the Bible and develops and leads a mini-stry, usually to first responders. They also minister in neighborhood church plants and kids’ clubs.

Cross Centered Records


Cross Centered Records reaches out locally through Hip Hop music and youth and homeless outreaches. 

His Safe Haven 

Gbarnga, Liberia

His Safe Haven ministers to Liberian children with special needs and their families. In Liberia, children with disa-bilities are considered cursed and are neglected or even killed. His Safe Haven gives support and encoura-gement to these families, helping them to keep and raise their children. For those who have been abandoned, His Safe Haven Village provides an oasis of love and care where foster moms care for the children in small homes.

Matt & Noelle Harris


Matt & Noelle Harris were sent by Calvary Worship Center to Gulu, Ugan-da, in 2017. They serve in Northern Uganda, where civil unrest and war have left many spiritual and emotional needs. Matt’s main area of service is directing a School of Discipleship that teaches Ugandan pastors through the Bible verse-by-verse. Noelle ministers to her family and local church and neighborhood.

Jepson & Edith Karau

Hope’s Promise Sanctuary of Hope Nairobi, Kenya

Pastor Jepson & Edith Karau are the parents of 24 orphans from Mathare Valley in Nairobi, Kenya. They continue to provide support and encourage-ment to the teens and younger adults as they transition into adulthood. They also support and oversee 13 churches in Kenya.

Augustin Tharsis

Paris, France

Augustin is a missionary in Paris, France, where he is helping plant a church and evangelize those around him. He meets people on the streets of Paris, gets to know them, and shares the Gospel. As they begin to follow Christ, he disciples and trains them.

Steve Kariithi

Nairobi, Kenya

Steve Kariithi is the pastor of Mathare Worship Centre, a church ministering to the needs of Mathare Valley in Nairobi, Kenya. Mathare Valley is one of the oldest unincorporated areas of Nairobi and has a population of approximately 600,000 people living in 3 square miles. One in 3 adults in Mathare Valley is HIV positive. Mathare Worship Centre brings the joy of Jesus to an area of poverty, hunger, and hopelessness, and is raising funds through “Project Nuru” to build a new church that will include a daycare, feeding program, school, and leader-ship program.

Life Equip Global

Life Equip Global serves local church-es all over the world by training them to meet the needs of families experiencing crisis pregnancies. On-line training trains pastors and church leaders to present the gospel and hope to these women and families.

Jonatán & Teresa Simons


Jonatán Simons teaches seminary classes to pastors and leaders in Medellín, Colombia. This is one of the few locations for university-level sem-inary classes in Spanish. Jon & Teresa also disciple singles and serve in the local church.

Starting Over on the Inside Workshops

Starting Over on the Inside Work-shops teach inmates how to have a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ through on-site and video workshops in Department of Corrections facilities all over Colorado.